
Archive for November, 2008

Scapular rains down

As your arm floats up, your scapular rains down

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Yesterday, in ballet I had mud between my toes! (not really!- but in my imaginary world). It felt soft and gooie and I could feel all my toes individually surrounded by the cool engulfing toe glove. As I pliéd, my toes lengthaned into the mud, leaving an imprint, and lengthening to a point my foot felt long, and butter-like. A light spiring came into my feet and I could almost see the soles doing a playful dance- flirting with each other. I love my feet!


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Emptying it all out

Sometimes. Sometimes you gotta let it all go. Let it all go and give it up… And see what comes back. Trust. Trusting in life’s perfection is not easy. How do we know that if we let go and leap we’ll be caught- or fly? How can we possibly know the gifts life has to give us, if we’ve never seen them before? Why limit them with our past experiences?
I’m learning to trust more-in everything. To hold the space for others to do the same and change. Letting it all go.

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All I have to say today is that I make the best roast potatoes in the world! Crispy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside. Except now I’m really full! I have made more roast potatoes this week than ever before! :-)
I’ve started using coconut oil to cook them which is wonderful. Tastes kinda buttery and it’s the best oil to cook with- perfect. Officially.
Thanks for potatoes, and people to enjoy them with me!


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A little bird


This little bird comes to my window to wish me good morning. He asked if I would take his picture and pass it onto the world.

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Today I woke up late. It was very strange, I was lost in dream world, when I suddenly looked at my clock to see it was way past sleeping time! I jumped out of bed and noticed how my head did not feel at all connected to my body- let alone the brain inside of it! As I got ready, I did cortices and switching in my head! It seemed to help somewhat. A glass of sole (special salt solution in iH2O) and then I was doing BodyTalk.

After that start it was amazing how everything fell into place as I did my sessions. I am constantly surprised (as I may have said on many occasions before- cos I keep getting surprised) as to how cool this stuff is. It’s so exciting and effervessent (it’s telling me that’s spelt wrong… can anyone clarify!?) I feel inspired to share and feel like it’s this amazing dance between myself and my clients and then the world.

One of my clients is a musician. He always shares with me his love of music, and the joy it brings him. He tells me about going into homes for the elderly, and plays for them. How music lifts their spirits and creates a feeling of unity and fun.

“When I go there, I have to drop my ego. They don’t care whether I hit the right notes or sing the correct harmony” he says, “they just love to hear the music. It becomes a playful interaction. It’s not about ‘getting to a place’ or ‘being the best’, there is nothing to prove. It’s just about sharing and being in the moment.” 

This was a wonderful piece to his session, it connected those words (which he himself had said) to the session, his life as a whole- and to health in particularly. Health is not a place to get to. It’s not about ‘doing it right’, or ‘being the best’. It’s a journey. Where ever we are on that journey is perfect. Health is now- it’s within us, an we are learning to let go of the parts of ourselves that prevent us from experiencing it. He was asking “How do I know what to do? There are so many things out there that are supposed to be good for me, that I should do… but how do I know what to do?”

That’s a very good question. What appeared through the session was to remember that we are not our bodies, or our emotions or our beliefs. We are the part of ourselves that can observe those thoughts- or else who is observing, right?! From here we can recognize that the only thing we need to do is to listen to our deep voice that knows… and to learn to trust it in that instant before it’s whisked away by our left brain’s doubting. Not an easy thing. BodyTalk helps me, and it helps him to find that place, by letting go of the parts of us that we are not. He is not his fears. I am not my doubts.. and underneath all of that there is a place of joy and expansion. A twinkle- as we might have experienced as a child- or at certain magical moments in our lives. It’s that moment when you ‘just know’ and everything flows, and it can grow if we allow it to, and nurture it.

It’s all like music. It lights up something deep down. I want to share this amazing vehicle for interaction- music, connection, friendship- where you show up and things happen. We get out of our own way- and then healing occurs, the fun happens and the balance comes to the surface. Beautiful. Thank you.

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Thoughts can take you away sometimes. Make that often. Or all the time for most of us. I was noticing today how my thinking captures me and whisks me off to another world that doesn’t even exist. Ballet class always gives me time and space to allow myself to reset and get back into my body. Every day is different- sometimes it feels like I’m present totally. Today was not one of those days. Yesterday threw me a bit- this time of year is always strange- particularly in this country. Thanksgiving and all that milarkey. This year is probably more tense than most just cos of the world and economy and everything which we are being told to believe.

Today in ballet I remembered again- before I forgot again- that my life and reality is coming from me. From my beliefs, from my body, from the way I feel and then look at the world. I can switch it in an instant. Imagery is the most powerful tool that shifts me put of one reality and drop me into a paralell one. Just like smiling the over day.

I imaged my sacrum as an icecream cone. This come has to hold up the icecream- which is actually my entire spine. Every time I lengthan my legs coming out of a plié, I feel the cone scoop up the icecream. It feels supported and I feel my whole spine reallign. Suddenly the strength in my legs reappears and each movement becomes effortless. I stay with it for a moments or 5, and then my focus shifts to my shoulders…. Rain drops running over them washing away the tension….

In those instants, thy is real. I feel my body shift, my possibilities open up and doubts disappear. It all becomes about the present moment where anything is possible. It’s like breathing in a whole universe.

This moment is endless until a thought pulls me back out of it- and I forget again. Things to do. To maintain that feeling whilst living in this world. That’s what it’s all about.

Makes me smile.


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The end of my day

It’s the end of the day. It didn’t seem to feel quite like a birthday- more like a Monday.

I felt lots of stuff moving today- was this a strange day for everyone? I did bodytalk on the subway, and I got 3 emotional releases and a belief system. Wild. Got some funny looks- and Sophie out right laughed at me. Diafragm to intestines!!!

Lovely friends at the end of the day eating wonderful food. Thank you. I am very tired now. And glad this day is over for another year! I think I have to move my birthday to another month when it’s not thanksgiving- or cold.

My birthday shall now be in may.


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Birthday blog

I’m now officially 30- whatever way you look at it- whether I’m in england or not! It’s a beautiful sunny day and I have the pleasure of starting my day with two of my most favorite people- Sophie and Simon. :-)

Rice porriage warms me up on this cold morning, and Sophie has given me a cute little glass container with a lid- very useful she says- and it is… so I’m writing about it! Glass is by far the best way to store food, and you can never have too many glass containers!

I had the sweetest best party on Saturday. Thank you to everyone- particularly Maryann. More amazing parties are to come- with live music and DJ, dancing and great people. Wicked. Thanks Si and Danielle for singing. You rock! Parties with soul. Spirit. Brings the sparkle out of people and they get all shimmery and pass it on. I have felt it effervessing ever since.

Looking forward to more sharing tonight. But now, tap out my cortices and off to ballet :-)


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Dear Summer

You are so bright. You bring warmth and joy. Thank you for touching our lives and for bringing a connection so deep that I feel it in my soul. I am sad that you will not be coming just yet. I guess it’s just not the right time. I know you’ll be back to share your knowing and love. Enjoy your journey. With love and gratitude. Laura x

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Ginger Tea

Ginger tea on a cold day warms every part of me. Ginger feels very nourishing right now. I am officially wearing 2 pairs of leg warmers and only eating warm food for the next 6 months or so (unless I fly to warmer climate!)

I was explaining to one of my clients yesterday about the benefits of drinking warm, or at least room temperature water, as opposed to cold or ice water. Of course, when you hear it, it makes perfect sense- I think it’s one of those things that most people just don’t think about- it’s just become the norm.

Drinking cold water actually ‘shuts down the stomach’, and then it makes lots of energy (that comes from our precious kidney supply) to heat it up again… and then if we’re trying to digest food on top of that it leads to a lot of extra hard work for the body.

Why don’t we make things easier for ourselves, and work with your body’s way of doing things?

I have an ulcer in my mouth today. And I know exactly what it’s telling me- lay off the sugar! I only had a couple of pieces of chocolate (a few days in a row), and my body really doesn’t like it- pushed it just a little too far. That, and I need to get to bed earlier! Ok, ok, I’m going to bed. 

Goodnight x

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BodyTalk creates this space of expansiveness and possibilities. At the same time it’s grounded and logical. I love how every link that comes up for a person is so perfect for what is going on with them. Like you are reading their story and and at the same time reflecting my life and reminding me of my connection. I am so inspired to share this amazing work and bring people together to enjoy the healing process and dive into growth.

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Hot water bottle

Since when are you not supposed to use boiling water in a hot water bottle? Did I miss something!?? Ahhh warm.

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Making things happen

Brrrr. It’s cold I’m making a hot water bottle tonight! I don’t know why, bit for some reason, it’s much easier to blog ok my phone than my computer. Strange. So I’m waiting for the kettle to boil and for once it’s not for ginger tea!

It’s late. I got sucked into facebook again… And here it is way past my bed time.

Sophie’s coming to visit on Friday. I’m very excited! And I got my awesome birthday party!

Making things happen. I can do that! I can’t make his kettle boil faster tho. I want to find a way to convay that to people so they can feel of and trust in the perfection of how things go.

So, I rejoined the food coop and I’m really really happy about it. I haven’t worked there yet tho..! But I have happy veggies in my happy fridge! Do I sound really new age.. Or delusional? Ok, it’s boiled.

sany0016This pic was from the food coop- what an amazing strange looking vegetable! Wonderful.

Night night

Just wanted to say. Thank you to my wonderful parents. If you read this. I love you very much and appreciate you both hugely. Xxxx

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I am sending you a big smile from my heart!

Smiling lights up your whole being. It zings through your veins. Dances for joy in the depths of your tummy. Passing on a smile lifts the spirits of the world. I am inspired by what I feel when I remember to smile.

Can you smile when you don’t feel like smiling- even pretending to smile works wonders- and suddenly it’s a real smile.

This message transformed my day today.


This guy was playing on the train- just as I was writing this… he had the best smile


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Learning to blog

To blog you just have to live and write about it

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What do I do next?

Sometimes it feels like there are so many wonderful things to do… it’s hard to know what to do. Right now, I just want to eat some nice warm chicken soup. Hmmm. Where can I get some near here? Maybe Whole Foods? Life feels like a series of plans and events, (and being present to enjoy the process) and now I get to write it up and hopefully inspire someone out there?

I’m having my 30th birthday party this Saturday night. Who’s coming? Are you coming? I need to update the info on facebook. Birthdays are always a bit strange, but I am very excited to dance and Simon is going to play- which is the best thing ever! I am happy to be back at ballet tomorrow. Who out there wants a BodyTalk session? I have a couple of openings this week… send them this way! :-)

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Thank you. I appreciate you

Appreciation is one of the most beautiful gifts that you can give someone. Appreciate the small things, the large things, the silly things. Leave sparkles of appreciation.

Honest apreciation gives a gift that can be passed on. Let me pass goodness to other individuals, food, life, air, water and the world.

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I am so excited for the arrival of Summer! Summer is going to be an inspirational child- she’s in gestation right now, so you’ll have to wait for pictures. I’ll keep you posted… but I am going to be there for the birth!!! So, watch this space. More details will follow over the next few months!

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So the mosquito must’ve heard me call him to come back and die- so that I can sleep without boiling up under a mountain of covers, gasping for air out of a tiny crack in the sheets! He sat on bunny’s leg awaiting his fate- and there it came. One swoop. No attempt to prolong the enevitable… This isn’t always how it happens. I’ve had many sleepless night hiding from mosquitos and not doing a very good job of it!
It then gave me a photo op, and as I looks closely at his little body thru my camera I realize that a) this camera is actually pretty good- I am liking it more each day and b) I can see all of my blood in his belly. I wonder what consciousness that little bit was carrying. And how does that tiny bit of blood equal all that itching? I then realize that my toe looks pretty gross all close up on camera. I don’t think I’ll put that online for the world!

he's got a red tummy

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My big toe

It’s 1am on Saturday night. Most self respecting people are out partying it up. I, instead am dreaming about partying…. Or I was until I got rudely awakened- again- this time cos the bloody mosquito bit my big toe. It itches like crazy. It actually hurts some. I lie there in the dark for a while wishing it to stop itching. It doesn’t. Why did I leave my window open earlier? Especially with all this rain. The rain is beating down outside, the slosh of the cars driving through the river like roads makes a song with the dripping and the hum of my fridge.
So, after wishing for a while, I turn on my light to see if I can see the bugger (that’s English for mosquito). I can’t. I somehow manage to awaken enough to tap out my cortices. Tap tap tap. Cortices to big toe. I remember that a few hours earlier getting a funny pain in my big toe. Is it trying to tell me something? It’s right on my spleen meridian. Am I worrying too much? By the time I finish tapping the itching has stopped. I love BodyTalk. I spray some iwater on it too for good measure! Arrh. Better.

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Dancing on a wire

Man on wire. Wow. It says a lot- the impossible being possible. It’s all about belief and determination. Seeing the goal, imagining it, and taking the steps to get there. When you watch him, you can see the bliss. It’s magical.

I guess when you defy the impossible it must set you above the world and it’s conciousness- because people’s minds can’t fathom it. There’s no words. Just magic and delight.

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Just like water. If if had no focus it would be vapoir. But it knows where it’s going. Always forward. Always present. Always flowing. With intensipn to share itself.

Like dance.

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Taking the 6 train


how many trains does it take?

how many trains does it take?

Monday morning. I didn’t get all my cleaning done, and my fridge seems to be leaking. I don’t really care too much. I’m excited to start my vision board.

Waiting for the 6 train- still. Here’s train number 3. What do you reckon, will I get on this one? Nope. Here comes another. When trains go all haywire, you just have to give it up! Squeeeeze in. Get your feet on the floor and know that you can’t really fall cos you’re all packed in like my pens in a box. (you may only understand that if you’ve seen it).

I was obseving this morning as I was running down my stairs, (as quietly as possible so not to disturb my neighbor who complained about the – not really any- noise), that writing a blog means you really do have to obseve. Ok, so what AM I doing? Hmmm. And what IS helpful to a)focus on, and b)share?

I observed that using my mind- and be connected to peace can happen together, IF you’re aware and focussed. And feeling. I can actually feel my body thinking if I’m aware and quiet enough inside. It means that worrying about trains and the ‘fear?’ of being late can’t really take much (or any) brain space.Squeeze in please

I got an email this morning that said ‘great minds have purpose’. I am connecting the dots more each day and observing how my whole body is my mind. The other email said ‘make peace your priority, and everything else will flow into balance’. Nice. Now to feel those two things together. It is possible.

Observing these things, and writing it as it comes up is going to be my focus, and I really feel that it’s going to help me on all levels- planning, dancing, communicating, leading, teaching, visioning and getting things done- but from a being place.

To feel and connect and have focus and intension. It just comes back to the Cortices- yet again!!! I LOVe BodyTalk. I’m going to tap out my Cortices now. X


train number 5

train number 5




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Thank you to all my wonderful friends who shared potato magic with me! Incase you don’t know, I make the BEST roast potatoes in the world EVER!! The only problem was, there weren’t quite enough…

gotta buy some more potatoes... (why is this sideways??)

gotta buy some more potatoes... (why is this sideways??)

Does anyone know how I turn this picture around?

Here’s the jolly man in the store who sold me some more excited potatoes. They knew that they were going to be turned into the best potatoes in the world. 


I now have a new vision board. I am very excited to start using it, and see what will come from it. I haven’t ever used vision boards before- only in my little note books, and in my mind, but I have seen, especially this past month or so, just how effective it is just doing that. I know that the most important thing for me is to continue to fine tune my focus and step into my strength. This way I will be able to hold the space for a lot of magic to happen. 


my new vision board

My new Vision Board

This morning I was reading about this guy who led a group of sailers to explore the Antartica, and how they got stuck in some ice, and had to stay there for months until they were all rescued and not one of the men died…. The point of it all was that what the leader created was this united bond in belief and vision. If you focus on something, and believe in it, then it gives it great power- (especially if it is really for the greater good of the world!) To be a leader, you need to inspire your people with a dream, and create something so real, that they too can feel and taste it. By sharing a deep passion and purpose, more than can be perceived, incredible achievement can happen. Never be afraid to follow your dream. But you need to know what your dream is first.

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Broccoli takes a trip


Writing this in the park. Beautiful

Food from the Park Slope Coop is so alive and happy. It’s quite an adventure going there, but well worth it. I get to hang out with Danica, which is always sweet as we create and inspire each other in such a playful way. Danica is awesome!

Carrying my heavy suitcase of food provides me an oportunity to meet helpful people and really watch how the universe takes care of me. It also makes me look at how I choose frustration or ease. It’s a test of my imagery skills and also my arm strength!


Thankyou to those ‘big strong guys’ who did come to my rescue. I wouldn’t be having a roast potato party if it wasn’t for you! I even got myself a BodyTalk client out of it! People love to connect to others and get an insight onto their life. And people love to help. It’s inspiring, and it’s contageous.(I’m writing on my iPhone, so please excuse any spelling!) I have experienced so much help these past few weeks, and it inspired me to pass it on. So I am thankful for the opportunity to need help, and thankful for the people who do help. It spreads gratitide.

So, broccoli and I are happy to be home, up the 5 flights of stairs, along with their other vegtable friends and delighted to open our house to my people friends to eat potato friends all roasted and yummy. They are going to have a party in my (and maybe your) tummy!

Come to my roast potato party. And get excited to ask for help. Gratitude is catching.

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Here it comes

Here it comes

The world breathed a sigh of relief today. I woke up, tired, happy and inspired. Last night on my train ride home was incredible- the screams and whoops and joyous dancing on the platform were contagious and uplifting. Everyone had huge smiles on their faces. Beautiful.


So in honor of this momentous day, I have decided to really start this blog thing properly. I was thinking about it in ballet this morning- or rather it was just coming out of me, and I had to take notes in between tendus and pickes! Blogs are something which I haven’t quite gotten down, and I think it’s partly to do with the fact that it’s strange to have the whole world (or potentially!) reading it, and it brings up the feelings of… “once I start it, I have to keep it going…” and “what if I run out of things to write about?” Well here we go. This is a work in progress, and I hope to get better with time and practice. So let me know if you like/ do not like, and I’ll work on it!

Tonight, I have to go to sleep, but I want to write to myself, and anyone else who falls upon this that

“Change really can happen!” 

I see it all the time. It’s incredible. I want to share that, share inspiration, life, experience and possibilities that will be a support to myself, to friends, my communities, other communities, the country, and the world… 

Goodnight x

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